Saturday, October 4, 2008


I would just like to start off by saying my life has truly been blessed by God, my Father. Two of my good friends and I, among the many others I became friends with this weekend, just got back from a Women's Retreat in Lexington.

When I first heard about the opportunity to go, I was so excited and I just felt like with everything else going on in my life right now, it was exactly what God wanted me to do. Let's just say, I will never be the same…

The theme of the whole weekend was BRAVE, which in itself is such a strong word, something that I never felt I was until now. The words of this song come to mind, and describe well the way that I feel.

So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf

You have been King of my glory

Won't you be Prince of Peace…

– Rich Mullins

To me as I am sure to many others as well, that does not form a picture of braveness, but what God has taught me, especially what he has been opening my eyes to this weekend, is that being broken before Him and surrendering to Him is the epitome of bravery. And so, as I take this step towards braveness and feeling more and more as though I am His child, He is reminding me that by losing control, He is taking complete control.

With this I leave you these words:

Please let Him take over your life and in total surrender to Him, you will not have to worry about being in control. By trusting Him to take the lead, you are freed.

Oh, and one more thing, this is coming from someone who always feels like she has to have control over every detail of her life, especially when it comes to things like this. So take it from me when I say, this is something that God has been trying to teach me for a long time…

Just let Him in your life and you too will become a brave soul that is humbled in His presence, and in awe at His amazing and beautiful greatness.